The company Personaldienst specializes in providing and mediating employment for employees of various profiles in partner countries of the European Union.
Our mission is to build relationships of trust between employees and employers with a professional and responsible business community. Our goal is to have satisfied, successful, and motivated employees, as well as a strong and stable collaboration with partners.

More about us

Personaldienst tvrtka je specijalizirana za ustupanje i posredovanje pri zapošljavanju za zaposlenike različitih profila u partnerskim državama Europske unije.
Naša je misija stručnom i odgovornom poslovnom zajednicom graditi odnose povjerenja između zaposlenika i poslodavaca. Cilj su nam zadovoljni, uspješni i motivirani zaposlenici, te s druge strane čvrsta i stabilna suradnja s partnerima.

Više o nama

“In Germany, I didn't have anyone; Personaldienst helped me find a job, handle paperwork, and secure accommodation.
I found my current, now second job again through Personaldienst.

Goran M.

“U Njemačkoj nisam imao nikoga, Personaldienst mi je pomogao naći posao, srediti papirologiju i pronaći smještaj.
I svoje trenutno, sada drugo zaposlenje pronašao sam ponovno preko Personaldiensta.“

Goran M.

We are your support!

The central hub for all your questions before and during employment, as well as throughout your entire work relationship, is our office in Zagreb. Our experienced team leaders guide you through all the initial steps abroad. Lost documents? Contact us! Need to register your residence? We'll assist you!

We speak German!

And not just German! We regularly conduct the necessary training for working at airports in Germany, preparing you to be competent for your new job and ensuring a successful new beginning.

We complete the documentation

We gather and track all the necessary documentation for employment. We do this for you completely free of charge!

Why do we do this?

We know that by investing in you, we invest in ourselves. That's why our services are entirely free for you.

Mi smo Vaša podrška!

Centralno mjesto svih vaših pitanja prije i za vrijeme zapošljavanja, kao i tijekom cijelog vašeg radnog odnosa je naš ured u Zagrebu, a naši iskusni voditelji grupa vas prate u svim početnim koracima u inozemstvu. Izgubili ste dokumente – javite se! Trebate prijaviti boravište – mi vas pratimo!

Mi znamo njemački!

I ne samo njemački! Redovito provodimo edukacije potrebne za rad na zračnim lukama u Njemačkoj, te vas pripremamo i činimo kompetentnim za novo radno mjesto i uspješan novi početak.

Kompletiramo dokumentaciju

Prikupljamo i pratimo svu potrebnu dokumentaciju za zapošljavanje. To činimo za vas potpuno besplatno!

Zašto to radimo?

Mi znamo da ulaganjem u vas, ulažemo u sebe. Zato su naše usluge za vas potpuno besplatne.

How to get a job in Germany?

What are the next steps:


Sign up

Please leave us your information and resume, and we will contact you. We will offer you job positions, provide information on all details and steps.

Come to our office

We invite you for a personal introduction to our premises in Zagreb. Please bring all the requested documents with you. (see here for details)

Request processing

On your behalf, we collect and process all necessary forms, requests, and documents required for employment. We take care of all the details needed to ensure that your employment can start as soon as possible.

First working day

We are here to support you in all initial steps, and we are here for you even after employment - from residence registration to any other situations related to your work abroad.

Kako do zaposlenja u Njemačkoj?

Koji su idući koraci:


Prijavite se

Ostavite nam svoje podatke i životopis, a mi ćemo vas kontaktirati. Ponudit ćemo Vam radna mjesta, informirati Vas o svim detaljima i koracima.

Dođite u naš ured

Pozivamo Vas na osobno predstavljanje u naše prostore u Zagrebu. Sa sobom ponesite sve tražene dokumente. (ovdje vidi koje)

Obrada zahtjeva

U vaše ime prikupljamo i obrađujemo sve potrebne obrasce, zahtjeve i dokumente potrebne za zaposlenje, i vodimo brigu o svim detaljima koji su potrebni kako bi vaš radni odnos mogao što prije započeti.

Prvi radni dan

Podrška smo Vam u svim početnim koracima, a tu smo za vas i nakon zaposlenja - od prijave boravišta do svih drugih situacija vezanih za Vaš rad u inozemstvu.

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